Oy. Tornados! Scary. We get our share, too.

Yes, you have a lot of material that you are getting exposed to. It can be overwhelming. You will be OK.

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Wow, Alene. What a rough week for you. The learning process takes its toll for sure, but when you come out on the other side, it will be better. It sounds like things did improve artwise.

Being in a funk sometimes is normal, especially when you're learning new techniques. I'm glad the course has supportive people who can help you through this.

Your getaway idea sounds nice. Sometimes we need a change of scenery to recharge. Relaxation is so important for the mind, body, and soul.

Your decision to leave the distillery is a sound one. It had its good moments, but it's clear to you it's time to move on.

Hang in there. Hopefully next week will be better.

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