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Hi Alene,

What a great thing to run into your former, now current neighbor Kate! And congratulations on having your poppies art being shown in the magazine in the near future. Yes, definitely share it with us when it's live. Hopefully, that will also lead to more publicity. The poppies are breathtaking.

I'm glad you were able to take a nice, long walk and enjoy that. I also like the cooling temperatures -- as well as the beautiful display of foliage color changes in the fall, particularly October. I frankly hate that October is the big rah rah breast cancer awareness month, but I have taken back October as a lovely, beautiful time of year. The one thing I don't like about fall is the shortening days. I'm a lover of a long-light day, and as I'm light-sensitive, I don't fare well during the darker days. But I cope with it best I can.

I love that you celebrate the dogs' birthdays! Certainly they deserve the celebrations. The pears look scrumptious.

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